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Our classes

Our Community Theatre classes are located in Cambridge, Huntingdon and Chelmsford.

These courses focus on Musical Theatre (singing, dancing & drama). Service users can access these courses as part of a day service offer to enjoy aspirational life-long learning.

Coneygear Centre


Tuesdays 10:00 - 13:00

Hamptons Sport & Leisure


Wednesdays 16:00 - 19:00

The Meadows Community Centre


Saturdays 14:30 - 17:30


Increase confidence and make connections

Our classes are warm and accessible. We help each person to find their inner performer. Our performers grow in confidence through our classes!


Get moving, learn new dance moves, get your vocal cords moving and most importantly have fun! Our classes are active but designed to ensure everyone can participate!

Keep fit and learn new skills together


Keep growing and challenge yourself

Each year we work towards our annual IMAGINE show! This takes place at a theatre in Cambridge. Performers also have the opportunity to record their achievements through LAMDA and TRINITY and ASDAN awards!

Community Theatre - our projects

Performer Stories

An image of two people stood infront of a microphone and a music stand. The person on the left has glasses and is wearing a black top. they have thier arm around the other person who also has glasses and is wearing pink


"I do work experience at the Cambridge Bedazzle group on a Saturday. I catch a bus to the venue and home again. I help people in the group who need extra guidance and support with learning words and singing new songs and dance routines. I get on well with everyone. I like it because it has built my confidence and self esteem and gives me a great sense of satisfaction and achievement by helping others who also have a learning difficulty like me. It is a fun and happy place to go and I have made new friends also. Since I started helping at Bedazzle I think outside of the box and use different ways of encouraging others to do things. It has helped me to learn new ways to help others. I have learnt new dance routines, songs and how important it is to work together to make things happen. My support team at home also noticed how much more confident I am and how I enjoy helping."



07494 091077


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© Copyright by Bedazzle, January 2006, revised January 2020. Bedazzle is a trading name of 'Bedazzle Arts Ltd.' registered in England No:05813460, 'Bedazzle Projects' is a charity registered with The Charities Commission No:1140390

Bedazzle is registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers UKRPN: 10068209

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